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  • Marcie Besecker
  • Contact Me
  • 5597097264
  • marcie@marciebesecker.com

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Being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator is so rewarding. Not only do I get to be creative every day, I also get to be a creative coach, offering fresh project ideas and encouragement to my customers and friends. For me, helping someone put together that perfect project for a special occasion is the best feeling in the entire world. After all, creating cards, scrapbook pages, and gift items is about more than just stamps and ink—it’s about sharing a part of yourself with the people you love.

I am a wife to an amazing man, a mother of three beautiful adult children and a grandmother to two beautiful young grandchildren.  My children and grandchildren live out of town and state so crafting keeps me busy until I get to go see them.  I love to craft and create beautiful things.  It makes me happy when I get to share what I know and love with others.  I've always been crafty.  I started crocheting at age 8, and started paper crafting approxiamtely 30 years ago.  I hope my posts are inspiring and you will try some of the projects that I post on my blog (https://www.marciebesecker.com).  Thanks for stopping by.